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Below are links which are relevant to this resource and might be useful for you. But honestly, we are not responsible for their content and functionality.

  1. SiHostel - you will like hotel-hostel in the center of Tbilisi
  2. First Georgian Digital Store.
  3. My-message. Articles, photo galleries and personal web directory of web-space best resources. It reflects my interests - news, sexy, beautiful, ugly, clever, stupid, generous, hoaxer, tyrants people. Activities - music, video and movie, sports, theater & ballet, literature, architecture, photography, computer games, painting, style and fashion.
  4. Listen to the Best Georgian Music Online Listen to Georgian streaming music of different genres, read bios, lyrics, download scores for free, learn descriptions of folk songs, some facts from Georgian music history.

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<a title = "Georgian Language Distance Learning Course" href="" target="_blank">Georgian Language Distance Learning Course</a> Georgian as Foreign Language. We use PC automated toolkit.


Attention: For our users who have already purchased the GLDL course!
We have improved the quality of the first stage audio files, upgraded and converted all stages into sylfaen font. Files are available for download for all First stage participants who have already purchased the course upon request. New files are also included in the GLDL course package which is offered for users since January 20, 2009. Some minor changes has been made in October, 2011. We also offer new version of the course for MAC users. It is available from March 2008. Old users could download relevant files. Since the links to files have changed please write to me to get new ones.

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